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Dear Friends and Neighbors,


Time to renew your membership or consider joining for 2024. Your dues are used for road maintenance, water testing, beach cleaning, taxes, insurance and social events to name a few. Dues are $250.00 per household. Please include any new contact info or email


We continue to have major increases in all expenses including association insurance fees, beach nourishment, etc. so your prompt payment of dues is greatly appreciated.

Make checks out to: Mattapoisett Shores Association, Inc.


Mail to:

Renny Leveckis

Treasurer MSA

47 Wagon Road

Walpole, MA  02081


You can also use your bill pay to send the payment and save a stamp.

Please include any new email or cell phone info.

Thank you in advance for your timely payment.


Renny Leveckis

MSA Treasurer




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