Edward Shea <ffastman@gmail.com>
Sat, Jun 6 at 9:58 AM
Hello Fellow Mattapoisett Shores residents:
The Board of the Association met on Thursday evening, via Zoom of course.The purpose was to discuss beach usage during the pandemic. The following link will provide a complete overview of the State Guidance. It was decided that residents should follow these guidelines as closely as possible. We will update the community as the pandemic progresses and guidelines are altered. These guidelines will be posted at beach entry points.
In essence, the requirements are by now very familiar with most people statewide.
Groups on the beach should be 10 or less, and people should maintain 6 feet between each other at all times.
Family units who have sheltered in place with each other, need only maintain distance with non-related parties also using the beach. However, anyone over the age of two who are in contact with other beach users must wear a mask
Beach groups, called toweling/blanket groups in the guidance document, must maintain a distance of 12 feet.
Organized beach games, that require significant physical effort and respiration should not be undertaken, to minimize possibly disturbing the space of other beach goers and raising the possibility virus shedding aerosols.
Residents should take care in unloading belongings and entering the beach that they do not unnecessarily cluster and negate all of the above guidelines before even hitting the beach.
The beach is fairly small and these distancing requirements will limit open space, so if you leave the beach for an extended time do not leave your chairs. etc behind as a placeholder.
Thank you, for your compliance which will make the beach safe for all.
There are two other discussion items, at the Zoom meeting.
First, As State monitoring and guidelines evolve we hope to have an Annual Meeting in the late August - Labor Day time frame, and we will ensure there is adequate notice to ensure a good attendance.
Second, it is now time to remove all belongings from the Beach shed.
Thank you for your attention, have a great summer
Ed Shea